I've had these pictures for a couple of weeks now. I'm sorry I haven't posted. I have been busy busy busy, but it's been a good sort of busy (thesis proposal out the door--my oral exam is scheduled for May 14th!)

The tulips pictured above are actually completely past now (but I have others that are still going strong and a whole new set that is just beginning to bud--so more to follow hopefully). I am a particular fan of gently multicolored tulips and these completely fit the bill. (I used to hate tulips since I associated them with regimented rows of bright red and bright yellow.)

These pink and pale yellow tulips to the left are among my favorite groupings. (There were also two white ones in this group, but they had not yet bloomed as of this picture). These tulips, like the first set, are in the beds in front of the house, but unlike the first are still hanging on for a little longer.
Down by the evergreens, the tulips are not yet passed but the daffodils shown in some of the pictures are. Below is my favorite tulip picture. It makes a great background for my computer desktop.

The tulip groups in the evergreen bed are predominantly pink and pale yellow, although I saw one yesterday that I would describe as "orange sorbet". In any event, they're lovely. With regards to the daffodils pictured below, I love seeing the dew glint on the grass in the background.

Coming soon: flowering crabapple and the now blooming rhododendron!
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