Pictured on the left (on the fine china!), we have lemon-rosemary chicken (grilled) with roasted potatoes and balsalmic asparagus. This meal took place almost a month ago and I've been too busy to write it up. The chicken recipe is from the (small) Williams-Sonoma
Grilling book (which is highly recommended by Matt & I--we haven't had a single bad thing from it). The chicken had great flavor and the marinade was fairly easy. If you're interested in the recipe, I'd be happy to pass it on. The potatoes are quartered red potatoes, roasted in olive oil with garlic, salt, pepper and rosemary. The asparagus is cooked the way I cook asparagus (sautéed, with balsalmic vinegar drizzled over it at the last second of cooking.

Another entrée from Grilling is pictured here on the right. This shrimp is grilled on skewers (see below) alternating with big chunks of blanched garlic (the recipe calls for cloves of regular garlic, we used thirds/quarters of elephant garlic cloves) and basted with a spicy tomato sauce. It's delicious and fun. As pictured, we served it over a wild rice blend and with asparagus (I cooked it the same way described above--I like it that way). As with the chicken, I'm happy to pass on the recipe if you actually want it.
Hi, I like your website and the picture's
Keep it up,
Josef Holzer
You have a wonderful web site. I have you on a Google Alert so I get every update. As a PhD Student in optic, I don't know how you find the time for your great recipes let alone time to garden and knit! You sure heve it all together!
Take care of you,
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