Monday, January 28, 2008

Sweater Update Number One

My progress on the sweater has been a little sporadic.  It's been a "two steps forward, one step back" kind of process (heck, once or twice it was more like two steps back).  I had been accidentally dropping stitches off the edge, so I was unable to pick them back up with a crochet hook.  Several inches of this sweater have been knit at least twice.  

But I have got nearly nine inches worth of sweater and I'm a little less than three inches short of starting to make the armholes.  I'm also only two rows away from getting to start the stripe pattern again.  I'm still a little worried about it being too small, but from the measurement I made of it tonight, I'm slightly less worried than I was before.

With regards to my M1's I have to say that I don't think I ever knew how to do that before and I am totally hooked.  I love seeing the stitches appear out of nowhere and look like nothing happened at all.  Magnifique!

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